This has nothing to do with environmental law, but I'd like to applaud the Indiana legislature's common sense approach to underage drinking.
On March 16, Governor Mitch Daniels signed Senate Enrolled Act 274 into law. Today, he took part in a ceremonial signing of the act, which will go into effect July 1. The so-called Lifeline Law prevents police officers from arresting a minor solely for public intoxication, minor possession, consumption, and/or transportation of alcohol if the minor sought medical attention for an intoxicated person and remained at the scene until emergency personnel arrived. The law was proposed by college students at various Indiana schools. Indiana is the twelfth state to adopt a Lifeline Law. Hopefully, some lives will be saved if underaged drinkers are not forced to chose between saving someone's life and turning themselves in to the authorities.
For the full text of the act, click here. For the Indiana Lawyer's disussion, click here.